Capital Celluloid 2013 - Day 144: Fri May 24

The King of Marvin Gardens (Rafaelson, 1972): BFI Southbank, 2.30, 6.30 & 8.45pm
One of the best American films of the 70s returns for an extended run at BFI Southbank. Details here.

Time Out review:
An irresistible movie, not least for its haunting vision of Atlantic City as Xanadu, a stately pleasure dome of genteelly decaying palaces, run-down funfairs, and empty boardwalks presided over by white elephants abandoned to their brooding fate. It's like some unimaginable country of the mind, and so in a sense it is as two brothers embark on a sort of game (Atlantic City provided the original place names for the Monopoly board) in which they exchange their lives, their loves and their dreams. One has retreated, like Prospero, from the pain outside into the island of his mind; the other pursues an endless mirage of get-rich-quick schemes which will let him escape to an island paradise. Their fusion is a stunningly complex evocation of childish complicity and Pinterish obsessions, inevitably leading to tragedy as the obsessions founder on reality. One of the most underrated films of the decade.
Tom Milne

Watch these extracts.

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